We have a logo!

After a few months of development, we finally have a logo! Thanks to Michiel Andrea for his design work and attention to detail. We feel this evokes the natural beauty of the Halburton Highlands, with its forests, lakes and the hills and terrain of the Canadian Shield — and the five horizontal lines inspired by a staff of music - with even the A and F spaces appropriately filled for a treble clef!

You can see more of Michiel’s fantastic work and contact him for your own design projects at https://dribbble.com/michielandrea and at https://www.michielandrea.nl

Daniel Manley
The Stamp of Approval

Happy New Year! Just before the holiday season, in December 2018, we received notice that we’re incorporated in the Province of Ontario and that our status as a not-for-profit has been approved! This is a major step for the Haliburton Highlands Arts Centre Foundation. Next is ratifying our by-laws and sending in the application to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to achieve charitable status.

In the meantime, we’re working on a set of Frequent Asked Questions for the website and preparing a marketing materials for distribution to interested parties. We’re very excited about 2019 and the new developments it will bring for the HHAC Foundation.

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Daniel Manley
Application Sent!

Today, we sent in our application for incorporation.  The first major step of two in becoming a charitable organization.  Now we wait.... but not really - there's still a lot of tasks to accomplish in the meantime!

application for incorporation
Daniel Manley